Patient Rewards Program

Creating a beautiful smile requires both a commitment from us and the cooperation of you, our fabulous patients.  With that in mind, we are excited to introduce our Patient rewards Program!  Our program was created as a way to recognize all of your hard work by awarding you with fantastic rewards as you progress along your orthodontic journey.

You can earn points for being on time to your appointment, having good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist, and being a great patient.  Participating in our contests, earning good grades, and voluntering in community service are just a few more ways to earn points. The more points you earn , the more prizes you receive.

You can redeem great prizes on our website for as low as 50 points!  You can choose from av ariety of gift cards that will be mailed directly to your home.  Look for additional contest information at our office, on Facebook, or on our website to earn even more pints and to see the latest updates in our Patient Rewards Program!

Stop by the office to pick up your Patient Rewards Card and start earning points! If you have any questions, talk with any of our team members. Once you start earning points, you can view your points anytime at  Click on the Patient Rewards card icon and enter your 16-digit rewards number and 4-digit password from the back of your card to check your current points. We go live on January 2, 2013!


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